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    24 items found  (Total items: 24)
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    Id   Title   Year   Genre   Author   Publisher   ISBN   Copies available   Picture  
    5To Kill a Mockingbird1960FictionHarper LeeHarperCollins978006112008410 
    619841984FictionGeorge OrwellPenguin Books97804515249358 
    7Pride and Prejudice1813FictionJane AustenPenguin Classics978014143951812 
    8The Great Gatsby1925FictionF. Scott FitzgeraldScribner97807432735656 
    9Moby-Dick1851FictionHerman MelvilleWordsworth Editions97818532600879 
    10War and Peace1869FictionLeo TolstoyVintage Classics978140007998811 
    11Brave New World1932FictionAldous HuxleyHarperCollins97800608505245 
    12The Catcher in the Rye1951FictionJ.D. SalingerLittle, Brown and Company97803167694887 
    13Lord of the Flies1954FictionWilliam GoldingPenguin Books97803995014878 
    14The Hobbit1937FictionJ.R.R. TolkienHoughton Mifflin Harcourt978054792822710 
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